

Over 40 fatalities and 1300 displaced households after a weeklong flooding occurred in Benin in October 2022 as reported by the International Red Cross Society. Bayelsa State Commissioner for Environment ‘Iselema Gbaranbiri’ related that over 700,000 persons were displaced in Bayelsa State of Nigeria in a flood that affected over 300 communities on 12th of October 2022. Although about 27 states are already affected, yet the government of Nigeria has warned for state and local governments to prepare for further flooding until the end of November 2022 as related by Richard Davies. About 603 persons have been reported dead in Nigeria since February 2022 according to Sadyyah Umar Farouk. About 1,302,589 have been displaced as related.

Flooding as one of the physical environmental hazards by be caused by man-made or natural sources. Some of the man-made sources of flooding include – overflow or failure of civil hydraulic infrastructures like – dams, dykes, blocking of natural and artificial drainage channels. Some natural sources of floods include erosions, melting glaciers, tsunami, typhons, cyclones, hurricanes, tides and heavy rainfall.

Flood risk management can be classified as pre-flood (before flood), during flood and post-flood (after flood). This ensures that flood risk follows generic risk management procedure from experts’ scope as below. 

  • Outline objective.
  • Plan flood risk management.
  • Identify flood risk.
  • Evaluate flood risk.
  • Plan flood risk.
  • Manage flood risk Communicate feedback.

Overview of flood risk management from the viewpoint of house occupants or facility users are outlined as below:


  1. Be sure you are ready, according to The Red Cross Society.
  2. Ensure there is emergency communication plan.
  3. Be informed about your local risk and response plan.
  4. Organize to bring outdoor belongings.
  5. Fill the vehicle’s gas and fuels for use as scarcity of fuels or long queues may occur.
  6. Prepare a flood safety check list.
  7. Turn off gas storages to reduce fire risk.
  8. Move valuables to higher floors, if time permits.
  9. Ensure there is fully equipped first aid kit.
  10. Unplug electrical appliances to prevent damages by power surge.
  11. Emergency alarm systems with sirens and strobes should be installed in buildings.
  12. Emergency response power plans, like provision of batteries or portable solar power for emergency use.
  13. Emergency response fund should be in place, either by saving or by means of insurance.
  14. Backup important documents like certificates, agreements and books in secure digital formats.
  15. Means of locating and contacting or locating family members at schools, hospitals, nursing homes, day care and work places like – neighborhood maps with layout of road networks, work phone numbers and flood free routes should be provided in case of flood emergencies.
  16. Maintain toll free or emergency response contacts. The Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) provides 112 toll free phone number to reach all the first responders in Nigeria, such as – Federal / State Ministry of Environment (FMOE), Federal / State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Emergency Management Commission (NEMA), Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET), The Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS), The Federal Fire Service and other emergency stakeholders, while the Lagos State Government provides 767 for all distress calls. Maintain a personal communication directory public and private emergency services, including emails, websites, phone numbers and physical addresses.
  17. Secure local maps showing physical features such as water bodies, including topography, seasonal rivers and streams, tidal waters and limits of tides.
  18. Ensure that early flood emergency warning resources like local weather forecasts is available.
  19. Provide for emergency supplies, mostly non-perishable food items for humans and pets that will last for at least 3 days.
  20. Be updated daily from local news media – television, radio, internet and newspapers.
  21. Store vaccination records in a waterproof casing or container.


  1. The Red Cross Society recommends protection for family members, pets and home.
  2. Turn off main power switch and control valves to gas supplies to prepare for emergency evacuation.
  3. Avoid low elevation areas like canyons, low elevations, water drainage pathways, and near collection points of surface water runoff to avoid being swept away by flood.
  4. Move to upper floors during floods for safety.
  5. Respond to instructions and guides from flood hazard management stakeholders.


  1. Measures for reducing waterborne diseases, like avoiding excreting and disposal of sanitary wastes into flood waters to prevent propagating water-borne diseases like cholera.
  2. Provide dewatering machines or pumps for evacuation of water from buildings after flood incident.
  3. Provide disinfectants or antiseptic detergents for cleaning and hygienic use at homes after floods.
  4. Do not use flood water for drinking, wash cooking and eating items, brushing of teeth, food preparation.
  5. Return home after receiving notice from the statutory authorities that it is safe to do so.
  6. Stay away from floods, weather a pedestrian or a motorist.
  7. Use boiled, bottled, or treated water only for drinking and food preparation.
  8. Keep fuel generators at least 6 meters away from windows, doors and vents to rooms to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

William Nwaogu, Technical Advisor, 




  1. United Sates, National Center for Environmental Health – Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (September 23, 2022). Flood Safety Tips


  1. The American Red Cross. Flood Safety – Learn how to keep your family safe during a flood, and how to clean up a flooded home. https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/flood.html
  2. US Department of Homeland Security. (2021): Disasters and Emergencies – Floods. 12/09/2021 https://www.ready.gov/floods 
  3. Corrin Miller. (2022). SELF, How to Stay Safe Before, During, and After a Flood, According to Experts. September 22, 2022.


  1. Richard Davies. (2022) Flood List. Nigeria, Benin – Over 40 Dead, 1,300 Households Displaced After Weeks of Flooding. October 24, 2022. https://floodlist.com/africa/benin-floods-september-october-2022 
  2. Richard Davies. (2022). Flood List. Nigeria – Floods Displace Thousands in Bayelsa State. October 17, 2022. https://floodlist.com/africa/nigeria-floods-bayelsa-october-2022 
  3. Richard Davies. (2022). Nigeria – Death Toll Rises, 1.3 Million Displaced, Floods to Continue Until End November. October 17, 2022. https://floodlist.com/africa/nigeria-death-toll-rises-1-3-million-displaced-floods-to-continue-until-end-november 
  4. Richard Davies. (2022). Nigeria – Almost 800,000 Displaced, 500 Dead as Floods Worsen. October 12, 2022. https://floodlist.com/africa/nigeria-floods-update-october-2022 
  5. Richard Davies. (2022). Nigeria – 300 Dead, 100,000 Displaced as Government Warns of Worsening Floods. September 22, 2022. https://floodlist.com/africa/nigeria-floods-update-october-2022 


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